Friday, May 14, 2010

Nothing here but Balderdash!

Ah, around the world and back again... that's the sailor's way.

Took a little time off from blogging to observe the Kick-Ass release, and see what effect it would have on the RLSH sub culture.

I saw Kick-Ass with Malvado SV for the first ever "non union" (yeah that's right we don't get dental) Super Villain Team up last month. It was very all cloak and dagger fun. We met at the place Malvado chose but the time I picked. I was slightly disappointed he was not a 800 pound Gorilla... but otherwise on to the show.

Kick-Ass was an exciting over the top movie that had very little to do with the RLSH, with the exceptions of silly costumes and MySpace. I hope in the directors cut they add Red Mist giving out Mountain Dew Code Red to homeless people. Maybe Hit Girl could sell cookies for the Girl Scouts and beat the ever living s#it out of people who don't buy them?

After effects on the sub culture would be around 60-85 new members that have popped up on the various online RLSH media outlets. Some on the the two main forums, many on MySpace and other smaller online venues. It is hard to keep exact count, as many change their name and gimmick week to week.

I expect after the release of DVD, movie channels, and frequent airings on the Soviet Central Television Network... every current online outlet will get a boost of membership.


  1. It was indeed fantastic having you over, Poop Knife. Captain Ozone is going to be around our respected areas in July for his green-power rally. It would be a crime not to crash that party being in proximity.

  2. Make sure he doesn't attempt to lobotomize you with his toilerang.


  3. Absolutely cool - the first Supervillain team up (outside of Jet City). Good analysis of the influence of the movie so far. Where is the controversy? One truly believed by now, there would have been some hero related issue - some teenager with a ninja sword going out to get into trouble.

    One still hasn't seen the movie - but will eventually. Good work to you both (and of course, by "good" one means "Evil".

    -Lord Malignance

  4. Hmmm we might want to check with Agent B. first on that MaL. I think she really wanted arching rights on Captain Ozone.

    Lord Malignance, I am afriad you are caught up in what is commonly called "Time Traveler Speak". Jet City is in the future. Agent Beryllium is using future references describing where she is in the past.. which is now the present for us.

  5. It's hard not to want to annoy this guy. After he attempted to send me a vague death threat he went ahead and made it personal. I WANT to trounce this guy.

    Beryllium can have whats left.

  6. I just wonder if Ozone actually DOES anything. The problem with being a charity supporter is finding a unique voice and perspective. If all you're doing is waving someone ELSE's flag, then why are you even there?

