Friday, January 6, 2012

RLSV Match Up Service

Silver Viper: Hmmmm.... SOMEONE'S been messin with my collection of crumbled bones of enemies. I spell something. Its... Its a combination of Eye and NVO... Curse you, Von Deathbread!

PK: ummm... hang on I gotta pee first......
Silver Viper: LOL

PK: Thank you for holding, RLSV Arch match up, this is PK how can I help you today?

Silver Viper: MY BONES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PK: You are interested in an Arch enemy with a Bone theme? I will have to check... I am afraid the White Skull is unavailable at this time.

PK:How does this match look?

Silver Viper: My...bones.... *gasp* That fiend!!!

PK: Now that you have found a match, if not already friends send a request and a short message of dedication of your willingness to arch this person.

Silver Viper: Wait a minute..... What kinda scam are you tryin to pull here!? Eh? YOU'RE the one pilfering with my bones!!
You probably sold him that frontal plate for a package of Cheetos! Curse you, Von Deathbread! Cursssssssse youuuuuuu....
(*dramatic music*)

PK: Thank you for using RLSV match up, it has been my pleasure to help you and have a pleasant day!

Chat Conversation End.


  1. Interesting. Thanks For Update. Pls Update More newsPostcard Printing

  2. OMG! I so need some postcards printed! I will keep you updated as requested.
