Monday, January 18, 2010

What is in a name anyhow

I have had several people ask me how I chose this moniker privately and now publicly on Tiny Terrors blog.

I first heard the term several years back as a colorful description of a homeless man living in the woods. He had a problem with other vagrants stealing his treasures when he was not home. So he devised an ultimate weapon to assure no one would ever want to chance a visit to his lair. A machete covered in human and animal waste. Truly this device is the most horrible thing ever conceived by another creature in the history of the human race. Honestly can you think of anything worse that you would rather be attacked by?

While trying to think up a good name to start my career as villain I was chatting back and forth with another associate who finds this concept of the RLSH as ridiculous as I do. While reading over blogs of one of these members he commented "This guy thinks he is the Sh*t." Thinking what better way to combat The Sh*t then with a weapon designed to do so.

A few quick Google searches later to make sure no one in the community was using the name Poop Knife was born. I think the Urban Dictionary sums up this term the best.

Poop Knife; A knife stored near the toilet to chop giant concrete turds that would otherwise clog the toilet.

The vigilantly RLSH are the turds of this community, and I am ready to cut them up.

-Poop Knife


  1. It still makes me think of a guy smeared in soft yellow-brown sh*t holding a butterfly knife.

    There's SO many cool-sounding diseases in human feces! Have you considered "Cryptosporidian Knife"?

    It kills the weak and brings the strong to their knees! (Well, it brings them to their toilets, at least.)

  2. Poop Knife,

    Every Villain must have an origin, and yours is well thought out, and more than adequate for your purpose. There may be better names out there, but really, it's what you DO with the name that will bring accolades, shudders of fear, or ridicule.

    May the reign of Poop Knife be inspired,
    -Lord Malignance
