Monday, April 12, 2010

KICK-ASS Count Down 2 Days


  1. BATSLAP!! POW!!

    I love watching non-affiliated RLSH behaving like all the sixteen year old tough-guy vigilantes joining the RLSH forum these days. Warms by cold, black evil heart, really.

  2. Also, it should be noted (for entertainment purposes) that these two are notorious for causing shit. There are indeed more videos of these caped cockwads and I have a creeping suspicious this was the same Spiderman that was previously arrested and photographed in his matching bracelets on Hollywood Blvd.

  3. This is Hollywood? One loves the crazy stuff that goes on, when one dons a costume. Ahem... (At least one claims to actually BE insane).

    Without context, it appears Spider-man and Batman have teamed up to beat on "Homeless guy on the ground".

    Crazy times,
    -Lord Malignance

  4. good thing that these guys just keep feeding the flames of every point we have ever made.

  5. I like to think that this was a drug deal gone bad.
