Wednesday, April 20, 2011

RLSV Patrol Log: 04/16/11

RLSV Patrol Log: 04/16/11

Teamed up with Malvado and Intern Terry for this one... safety in numbers and all that stuff.

7:06pm: Left Malvado's Lair to walk to gas station to buy evil provisions.
7:09pm: Saw pretty fountain... Malvado said it was just a tire.
7:14pm: Arrived at gas station.. this dirty bordello of capitalist filth... selling there overpriced combos and candy bars.
7:16pm: Malvado mistook a child for a girl when in fact it was a boy. Everyone in the store laughed and he apologized to the child.
7:17pm: Purchased items and left.
7:20pm: Had interesting conversation about music.
7:23pm: Saw man doing yard work and waved, he waved back.. in fear and terror seeing two RLSV's at the same time.
7:26pm: arrived back at Malvado's lair.


11:00pm: Finished Writing patrol log.. this one was long and I had to spend a lot of time on it.


  1. A fantastic patrol indeed! Also, did the idea for this pic come from pro-RLSH conspiracy nuts? Could sworn I heard this somewhere.

  2. Good job, guys. Way to get out there and make a difference. I want to see some video next time, though.

  3. The real question in this picture is who Wonder Woman is representing! >:)

    Thanks Mega-Rad we tried really hard for this one. Will make sure to have a least have a digital camera out there next time. We don't carry cell phones, as normally people are calling the police on us..... cause we are all like bad ass Super Villains and stuff.

  4. I know the fountain of which you speak. It is very evil.
