Friday, April 1, 2011

A Hero is Born!

Being an RLSV is just stupid. I have no idea what I was thinking of in the first place. I have no costume... excuse me I mean uniform. I don't do anything that is remotely villain like (with the exception of not recycling on purpose cause Meow Mix said to) and I have excellent table manners. I know which one is the salad fork... do you?

I think I have changed my mind..... I hear by proclaim myself a RLSH! I will now go by the name "Wild Flower" I will protect the environment by calling 9-11 every time I see someone being a litter bug. I will zap the offender with my cattle prod (I am new to being a RLSH, who sells cattle prods cheap?) Until Johnny Law arrives.... but safely use a hefty bag full of marsh mellows to rest their head under.

I already have a grappling hook, and a Oscar Meyer weenier whistle to blow, if anything comes up that my cell phone and cattle prod cannot handle. I also plan on carrying a bag full of wild flowers to put into the end of a gun if anyone pulls one on me. Pretty cool eh? I am a total marketing machine calling myself Wild Flower and using wild flowers!

How do I contact Peter Tangen? I am so on board and ready for my photo shoot! This is going to be great! I am going to make the world a better place and get to be on a poster!

-Poop Kn..... I mean RLSH Wild Flower!


  1. Welcome to The Good Fight, buddy.

  2. What happens when you meet face to face with Master Legend, who teaches us all to leave heaps of garbage in grocery store parking lots for the good of the homeless?

  3. Poop Knife,

    Villainy so needs a Tangen type project. We have so much more talent and personality than they do.

    -Lord Malignance
    (Back from the Accounting, which is held each year).
