Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Evil as a Lifestyle Choice?

Really? A lifestyle choice? I think not.. you either are or you are not.

Overlord started her thirty days of evil postings almost two weeks ago. Was a little baffled when she came on the scene, as she has no real gripe with the RLSH and just seemed happy to have found anyone online calling themselves villains.

I read along with her blog, and like every other blog, some posts are hits and others are a miss. Then we get to day seven.... Dealing with Naysayers.

Well, well, well.. this is a Evil Challenge.. and I am pretty darn evil, so challenge excepted. After reading and re-reading the post by her I decided to put her to the test... I mean if I did not who would? As she has no forces of good to combat so it looked like I was a perfect candidate for the job. As a rule I seldom like to draw first blood.. set them up for later is my villainous motto.

Overlord made a negative comment about another member of villainy Octavius Fong.... showtime! Octavius Fong delivers critical and decisive blows to the forces of the RLSH sub-culture... so much so they all hate him with a passion. For those that are unfamiliar with Mr. Fong he is puppet. Yes that is correct, a hand puppet... a hand puppet that has and continues to put the RLSH in their place over and over again.

So as her day seven post was labeled "Dealing with Naysayers" I did just that. Result being I was removed from her links of evil... awww really? If you can't take the heat pumpkin I am afraid the world of villainy might not be for you. Being a douche bag (Apocalypse Meow agrees) I decided to up the anti and make a very wicked nasty (but funny as hell) comment on her social networking page.... ah that did it!

Removed in no time with a comment back worthy of a cape... I am afraid you have failed your own challenge Overlord.

Now time for a little free information....

Rule one of villainy.... never show your face.. that is how you will be found. It is the hero who goes unmasked as they have chosen to be the saviour of society and have accepted all the responsibility that goes with their choice.

Rule two.. when someone "creeps you out" for God's sake do not hit the yes button when they attempt to befriend you on a social networking site. Just politely say "No thank you" and move along.

Rule three.. no personal information. Even when you enter a false name it becomes pointless when you have linked pictures of mom and dad at Thanksgiving... nice Turkey btw.

Now have we learned anything? I certainly hope so, as I view you as a cute little pink fluffy stuffed animal of villainy I wish you to grow and evolve.. otherwise I would have already crushed you like a random piece of flubber under my hobnailed boot.

With much love.. and by love I mean hate...

-Poop Knife


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. sorry, typo.

    We all have bad days, don't We Poop Knife? You didn't always creep Me out, this is a recent development. We all have varying definitions of what Villainy is. I thank You for the constructive criticism, and stand by My recent comment.

    ...nothing about dealing with naysayers says that I have to stay connected after a negative comment. You always run a risk when putting Your name on Your thoughts, and then pressing "post". That risk is worth it to Me, and I'm not terribly offended when told I have some room to grow. We all do.

  3. Historically there are many supervillains who break at least 2 of those 3 rules, and continued to thrive. Kingpin and Lex Luthor come to mind immediately.

    And don't forget that as soon as you are caught once, your identity becomes a matter of public record, with Mugshots on thesmokinggun.com and all.

    Masks and secret identities are usually the purview of the Heroes. A villain doesn't necessarily need things like that.

  4. PoopKnife,

    these actions of yours are quickly becoming heroic. Villains do not go after peoples personal lives. That activity invites harm.

    -Lord Malignance

  5. This shit is funny. Just like the despicable me movie.

  6. Overlord didn't jump on the ROACH bandwagon like most of us did. She explored the idea of villainy quite apart from RLSH drama, so she approached it from a much different state of mind.

    Does Galactus care what Dare Devil is up to? Certainly not. Overlord operates with a similar philosophy.

  7. One of the main reasons I jumped ship on ROACH was that villainy, to me, is not something that can be easily defined or nailed down, and to be part of an organization is to take on the responsibilities and bias for or against that organization that others will project.

    As a villain, it just makes sense to be a lone wolf.
