Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Greatest RLSH Members Ever!

Finally some freaking Real Life Super Heroes everyone can agree to like. Ladies and Gentlemen... meet The Taco Bell Super Delicious Ingredient Force. This group helped handout tacos at the 2010 SD Comic Con.

Members pictured are: Captain-Enchilada Sauce, Ima Chickenwomen & Steak Maximus.

Other members of this super team include: Super "reduced Fat" Sour Cream, Commander Seasoned Beef, Incredibean, Fantastic Rice, Crunch Boy, Flex Tortilla, and Dr. Steve Value.

I salute this tasty group of RLSH do-gooders! All they need now is a vegitarian RLSV member to make them regret they day they dared hand out taco number one!


  1. Which one hands out the Immodium AD?

  2. "Ima Chickenwomen?"

    Oh, come on. First of all, she's only one woman.
    Secondly, "Ima Chickenwomen?"

  3. No mention of Genetically Modified Corn Man?!?
