Friday, July 29, 2011

RLSV Victory for Villainy Over RLSH Hope

Round two suckers and who is still on top?

Yeah, again the forces of pants have taken over the battle of the bulge. Yes Virginia, another cape has been shamed into the world of pants by yours truly!

I am an unstoppable pants machine. Who is next? Any takers? There is no stopping me now... your shame is my weapon, and my weapon is pants!

Another lesson learned. HOPEfully (har har har) this RLSH member will teach future generations what it is like to go against the Knife and loose.

I am taking the weekend off to celebrate.... exit stage left and que Rocky theme song. As a wise man once said "With Great Shame, Must Come Great Pants".


  1. Sounds like some kind of cover up to me.

    Crossfire the Crusader

  2. Um... you're not the reason I put pants on... pockets were :(

    ~The Hope
