Sunday, December 19, 2010

Ubermas is Nigh

What a wonderful time of the season to be in the dark, evil, and macob mind that makes being a Meta Villain so rewarding.

I have made my list of demands written with quill on 200 year old parchment paper to the Dark God Krelm to offer quick painless deaths to all my enemies.

I put all the mail box flags up on my street to let others celebrate the holiday with me.. and I hate the mail man.

I have mailed off my no stamp required envelope's to my revenuers with holiday cards and various expired coupons from the minute saver... still hate the mail man.

Five Cornish game hens have been secured for "The Night of the Hen" and will be devoured as the bell tolls midnight on the climax of Ubermas eve.

This might in fact be the bestest Ubermas ever yet!

To everyone a malevolent Ubermas and I hate each and every one of you.


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