Thursday, February 17, 2011

Detroit's New RLSH

And were back..... Ah what a wonderful vaction! I made some new super buddy friends and have found out some really interesting information... more on that later BWHAHAHAHA!

Before the pain let's start with some amazing news. Detroit is finally getting a RLSH that is actually worth a damn... ROBOCOP!!5761947/group-raises-50k-for-detroit-robocop-statue

Yep it may just be a statue... a fifty thousand dollar statute, but I have a feeling the motor city will be sleeping a little better with their new defender guarding the city.

This in fact could be the greatest RLSH ever! His suit cost a fortune and he will not do a damn thing.

I would like to thank Pink Eye for crapping up my blog with kitty cats while I was on hiatus. Revenge will be swift and deadly... now go get me a coffee!