Sunday, February 20, 2011

RLSH are Frauds

So this is how real heroes are treated in our society?

A man who served his country with honor gets called a racist, and fools in spandex expect a pat on the back every time they hand out a cheese burger?

It however does give some satisfaction to know that the RLSH would most likely be the first to be either enslaved or done away with if there was a tyrannical regime.... because they are so easily brainwashed or simpleminded they would be useful but for nothing else.

Look at history and you will see it played out time and again... they are nothing but lemmings eating the mindless brain food fed to them by the Hollywood machine. Dance for your masters RLSH... give them what they want so you can receive your ultimate reward. Cash in on your "reputation" and be on your television shows, coloring books, posters, be the true prostitutes that you are. You live in a bubble and are excited about it... because you could never survive in the world of reality.

Again.. you are no heroes... just puppets being manipulated by your new master.


  1. Fucking liberals... I'm not even into politics that much any more, but blindly labling military members "racists" and "baby killers" doesn't come as much of a shock to me when it's coming from people that hold candle-light vigils for death-row murders and throw rocks at cops.

    As for capes in the media, I consider this the true test of an RLSH's moral fiber and dedication to the idea of true heroics. A tip for new RLSH looking to confront the media: When you take an interview talk about the movemoment, the organizations you work with, the charities people can give to, what "normal" people can do to help their fellow man/woman/manwoman, and don't be like Phoenix Jones, Zetaman, Dark Guardian, Superhero, Master Legend, or any other of the more than already numerous, empty-headed spandex fetishist that harp on solely about themselves. Behaving like them only shows ones dedication to themselves and not to the betterment of the lives of others. This kind of behavior can only be called selfish at best.

    A true hero does what they do for those who need it, not for attention-points and Youtube hits.

  2. Somehow I don't see the connection between the article and RLSHs.

    But I will point out... a "slut" is not the same thing as a "prostitute."

  3. Staff Sergeant Anthony Maschek is a true hero. In comparison, myself and many others are unworthy of the title.. fortunately the term "superhero" is fictitious and should not be seen as a challenge to men and women such as this.

    The deplorable treatment he received from the enlightened students of this fine prestigious institute of higher learning is sickening and disgusting. I would wipe my ass with a diploma from this college if I were a man of lesser moral character.

    Have we learned nothing fro Vietnam and the damage protesters did to our young men and women who returned from the hell?

  4. Mmmmm sorry Agent Beryllium, but that did happen. I can get you in contact with several Vietnam veterans if you would like? This story most likely grew legs and became "media hype" to bring it to the level of the links you posted.

    It still happens today as the story I linked.

    Not to go into great detail but I was called a "baby killer" and had a slushy thrown at me in a parade I was in several years back.

    Security was hard and fast, I had the option to press charges for assault... I chose not to but the "protester" did get to spend the night in county as a reminder that certain actions are unacceptable in civilized society.
