In the spirit of glasnov let's have a one on one talk with Z. I'm not the Spanish Inquisition here folks, I am the spin off version on Nick Jr.
Z wants to talk, other outlets have barred him from doing so. Being a villain I say talk, screw you uptight dick wads that censor people.. good or bad let's here what you have to say. This is not some Rolling Stone or channel 4 news report. "Fair and balanced" will not be found here. You are in my house on my platform. As my guest I will not go down the 6th grade playground route, I expect the same from you.
Z, please tell us a little bit about yourself, you say you started around 8+ years ago? How did you discover your calling?
I have no problem staying adult.
ReplyDeleteI'll make this short and concise. I started off angry, running around at night looking for any excuse to beat the living hell out of someone. So yeah, 8 years ago you guys would have been right to call me a vigilante. No doubt I was the worst of them.
Since then I've seen a few things, and seen people do a few things to each other. I can't do the hate thing anymore.
So now I find myself on the street, trying to calm situations down with words, or try creative approaches to putting people who hurt other people down, or away. I stay within the law (which is pretty open if you look it up), and I don't use violence unless absolutely necessary. I prefer to show people what they're doing, rather than start a physical escalation.
I don't do this for altruistic reasons, either. It just seems like human decency to me. And everything else seems to pale in comparison when you're stopping a guy from beating another guy with a piece of wood.
I don't think I'm above any law. But I'm certainly not below it, either. And that is my cause, to show people that no one is.
Now what is it you REALLY want to know? Because me getting started has nothing to do with what you want to know.
I really like that Zebra picture.
ReplyDeleteWell as I said I want to know more about you. Previously you have said I do not know what I am talking about so this is a chance to expand my knowledge on this subject.
ReplyDeleteIn your early days on the street did you keep your night time activities private? Or did you have a confidant like a family member or friend?
I had a two people that knew. Otherwise, it was completely private.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I was trying to get killed back then (long story). So I know what works and what doesn't.
When did you discover you were not alone and found others on/off line that were perusing similar activities?
ReplyDeleteI ran into three guys in my original hometown that were doing the same type of stuff I was in 2004... One of them was an IT guy, he helped me for a long time tracking registered sexual offenders, to try and catch other offenders...
ReplyDeleteCan't remember exactly when, but I think I found some stuff on Mr Silent in like 2006 or 2007... After more research I recognized and accepted that these people were immature and, for the most part, incompetent... It's been my goal to move them toward a more realistic, proactive and overall pragmatic approach.
Not that I think I'm better than anyone, I just see that I can make a difference within this community, and allow them to make a difference outside of it as a direct effect. It's a work in progress, and I think you guys as RLSV help a great deal in that direction.
In previous online postings you mentioned being banned off one of the main RLSH information hubs www.reallifesuperheroes.org. You had said the reason why you were removed was deleted and covered up. Could you explain what happened?
ReplyDeleteZ and others, before you get too enamored with Mr. Poop Stick, you might want to read this blog:
It sheds a great deal of light on Mr. Poop Stick. He seems to like toying with people. Cats out of the bag Poop Stick, or Nazi whatever as per your email address, or Free Information or whatever your flavor of the month is at the time. Way to go on associating yourself with "Nazi" in your email address. I'm sure that will go far to attract those of ethnic backgrounds or religions to your philosophical views. I must admit however, now that this has been revealed it explains why you fit so well in a group like ROACH.
Shhh we are busy either contribute to the conversation or not. I already posted on Krampus's blog soon as he gets around to approving the post.
ReplyDeleteOh, I'm not enamored. I'm just answering some questions. He can't toy with me over the internet.
ReplyDeletePK: I was censored and then banned from the RLSH.org. They're endorsing a movie that glorifies vigilante murderers. I spoke up about it, and got censored. Then I linked to another site, the Heroes Network, and was told I was "pushing it"... I tried to conform a little more, to keep the peace, and was banned.
I then told the truth in a few blogs, and am now blackballed on that half of the community. Which I don't mind as much as the influence that some people like Tothian, Master Legend and others like them continue to have over there. It's like a Super Ego Circle-Jerk.
I'd much rather we just get the job done.
Do you think there is a chance for them to come around to your way of thinking or do you believe they are in the movement for their own road to fame?
ReplyDeleteI would never count anyone as lost, not completely.
ReplyDeleteBut yeah, a lot of them are in the movement for somee kind of fame. Which is pretty ridiculous, if you look at the kind of fame they want.
They all seem to want this general, idealistic, symbolic and to be completely outdated kind of fame. A fame not associated with the long-term, simply with the legend of one instance. It's not a sprint, it's a marathon.
The question you have to ask (and that I continue to harp on people about within the community) is, how is the way THEY want to use media different from the way WE want to use it?
We (and I speak of my circle, the ones more worried about the job than their outfits and the way they appear) want to utilize the media to wake the world up. To show them that they can do much more than they realize.
That's where the similarities end, between THEM and US.
THEY will accept anything, any little 5 minute interview, any magazine article, any television cast... even if its an irresponsible endorsement. What they don't seem to realize is that when dealing with the sensitive bullshit radar of the public, if you slip up and compromise your standards and values, you are forever marked.
Public opinion is a bitch. And language is a virus.
WE believe that we should be EXTREMELY picky who we talk to in the media. It's funny, you can always tell who lives by their own standards by comparing the things they say to the things they do.
Did you come to these conclusions about media appearances after your own experience in the park?
ReplyDeleteDuring that encounter was it the media that wanted you to confront the drug dealers for the story?
No, I tried to get around the media for as long as I could. But I wanted to work with Chris at the time (he was one of the few in the RLSH community with documented training), considering my plan to move to NYC, and that meant being on camera since he doesn't do much without them.
ReplyDeleteThe few times I've met him, he's always had a cameraman around. I figured it was a good idea on his part at first, as being on camera is a good deterrent for those guys in the park not to pull guns and such... but no. I've since learned he does nothing that's not on camera.
The next month, he asks me to come back up to do the same thing, and here I am thinking he's got an actual plan this time. In April we had 11 people, this time (May) he called only me and Death's Head Moth. I figured he HAD to have a plan.
The previous month we'd discussed leafletting the park, gathering a group of at least 100 concerned civilians, and storming the park with citizens. Much safer, much more of a statement, and more importantly, it gets the people we're trying to help involved rather than letting it be all about how tough we want to seem to be.
Nope. Once i get there, I figure out its the three of us, and this time he's got FHM magazine there. Which didn't bother me all that much, as they're the UK branch, which means not too much exposure here in the states. Plus, on the phone he says the media will only be there for an hour or so.
Lie. They stayed with us for a day and a half.
The article wasn't too bad, but it wasn't too real either. They cut together a lot of stuff, paraphrased a great deal, and generally lost the message we tried to convey.
So I suppose at that point my preconceived notions concerning the media were pretty much confirmed.
And no, it was Chris that wanted us to confront the drug dealers. With a bullhorn and a camera. I'd much rather organize the people to empower themselves, than try to appear to be the toughest guy on the planet.
I'm not sure what he expected would happen. That they'd see a guy in motorcross gear yelling at them and run away from their money?
You have said you do not consider your self a RLSH or vigilante. As best you can without being branded by a labeling, how would you describe what you are doing?
ReplyDeleteA guy trying to lead by example, rather than by empty words.
ReplyDeleteI'm sick of a community that is immersed in its self-deception trying to appeal to the greater public, and then wondering why the public makes fun of them.
I moved to NYC to put this plan into motion. There are a lot of things I'm getting involved in up here, but that is the reason I moved here.
You said you have not actively patrolled with the mask for a while now, is that the same for others in your crew?
ReplyDeleteBeing as you are a person who will not let a serious injustice go unanswered, would you testify in court if required for prosecution of a suspect?
If it came to that. Yes.
ReplyDeleteSo far I've been able to take on situations where i was able to collect information on the location of evidence, and put in anonymous tips to police.
And no, those stories won't be part of this "interview".
Oh, and yeah... we haven't patrolled in masks at all.
ReplyDeleteThats it, then?
ReplyDeleteI can say that of all I can appreciate and hold some validity to a person doing things for themselves. Valor is a tool to be used and only gained through self-assured Will. I don't care what the reason you're doing it all for but can say that at least you're in action, for your own right.
ReplyDelete-Black Sun
Sorry real world always comes before the cyber one.
ReplyDeleteOtherwise I think Black Sun summed it up nicely.
Cool. Once people see what the New York team is up to, they won't have too much of a problem with it.
ReplyDeleteWe're anything but RLSH, let me tell you. I mean, a few of them are friends, but I have a big problem with the overall idea. Just reeks of ego to me.
Alot of RLSH, people who prefer the term civic activists, or people who don't care about labels do what they do for the right reasons whether people choose to believe this or not.
ReplyDeleteAnd Poop Knife we may never break bread at a table together and chances are we will butt heads again in the future but thank you for keeping it civil on the Creature Feature show tonight - that being said though....
Villians still suck. ;)
You mean VILLAINS Mousetard!