Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Seduction of the Innocent

In a culture involved in mirroring a fantasy world and trying to make it's best elements a reality, problems that already exist in that fantasy world will become their reality.

The RLSH had a small panel for Mega Con in Orlando as they did in 2009. To add an unexpected element this year a villain and or opposing view point was added to the panel. During this panel a young girl and her mother attended.

The result of this visit had some unexpected side effects for all involved. The young girl made a connection but not with any of the Heroes... but with the Villain. This can be looked at through various angles. Our villain for this venue was dressed in a somewhat comedic costume, spoke in a funny voice, and carried a plush toy in his satchel. I would imagine children would respond more with him then sweaty middle aged adults.

This young lady and mother called up a blog talk radio program. Nothing of real note here as nine year old children should want to play superhero in their back yard under parental supervision. After this program ended it was suggested to start a "Kid Friendly" blog talk radio program that is suitable for younger listeners.

Children are not stupid and most are more tech savvy then their parents and guardians. What happens when they start befriending RLSH members on Myspace and start reading about the exploits of their heroes? What will they believe this is fantasy or reality? When they find and read about heroes preaching violence, and tolerance in the same message thread? If half of the RLSH cannot agree with one another what message will the "Kid Heroes" take home from this?

A Super Hero is an ideal and standard no one in this movement will ever be able to live up to. That is why comic books are fiction, because the standards by which the characters live by are so incredibly high they are impossible to replicate in real life.

You are entering a very dangerous arena by encouraging children to take part in your game.


  1. Poop Knife,

    Agreed. This is a tough area, made doubly so, by (one crazy person calling another person crazy) adults dressing up and playing childrens games. It must fall to parents to act as guardians of their children's safety, but as the news will tell us all too often, this alone is not enough. Children are hungry for knowledge, and one suspects as example, even a slow 6 year old could outsmart Krampus and find on the Internet unfortunate behavior on display by so called superheroes.

    What worries one more, is that Krampus is a hero, attempting (poorly) to portray a minion. In doing so, he invokes the persona of "one who kidnaps and punishes small children". Today, people who do this are called predators, child molesters, perverts, and are the worst most despicable demons in the lowest rung of prison life. So as long as the Radio/closeted blog Krampus we know, stays a Birthday party clown on the Radio, and doesn't actually start associating with children and luring them into unneccessarily dangerous activites, all will probably remain ok.

    Parents: If it looks like a frustrated, eunich, of a severly mentally diminished wretch looking to hang out with your children in a castoff Disney costume in an ill advised make believe game of Superheroes - please be careful.

    You see, it's the safety of the Children one is most concerned about. (Stealing Ghost of Nixon's idea about a demons incincere "concern" for others, and turning it back on its source)

    -Lord Malignance

  2. What we do are NOT GAMES and everyone must immediately understand that. If you think that what RLSHs do are games, then walk or preferably, run away NOW.

    You can make fun of us all you want, but if you associate with us, online or otherwise, you're putting yourselves in danger.

    I'm not trying to intimidate anyone, but if you're role-playing or think you're mocking us, you need to stop for your own safety.

    Remember "Die Hard" and the schmuck who thought he had a handle on what was going on with Hans? -Same thing.

    The RLSHs are McClain and there IS a Hans Richter that I can't tell you about out there. Disasscociate with us.

    NOW. We don't want to see you guys being easier to find "examples" of what could have happened to us.

    So stop playing around and pretending this is a game before we need to look into investigating the case. It's never been a game to us and if it was to you, please quit now.

    There is no game involved here. For your own safety, you need to disappear from any association with this topic.

    RLSHs have very REAL and lethal enemies and they've arisen.

    Stop joking around and pretending you're "Real-Life Supervillains" and start worrying about your life and what it doesn't mean to the hoods who would take us down.

    Get serious or get OUT NOW.

    You don't seem to understand that we're not playing around here. Get that idea through your head now.

    All My Best,

  3. Wow geist, you really know how to intimidate people. HAHAHA, you actually think some stupid post on a blog is going to stop people from talking. Look this is what you need to get through your shiny green mask, a villain does not have to physically do anything to be a villain. Look it up, figure it out, and stop living in some delusional black and white world. Obviously there are very dangerous people on the streets. We are all fully aware of that, and that there are many people plotting and organizing violence, and attempts at violence, your assumption at our naivity shows your own. You think this is a game to us, but personally I do not feel it is a game at all, I think it is a very serious matter that needs to be addressed. You think you have a right to go out and act like mankind's last savior's when in reality most of you do not leave your computer screen. I understand your point, but you are certainly taking this to a level you shouldn't be. You are attempting to stifle a given right known as free speech, douchebag, and on the same lines as Malvado, GO FUCK YOURSELF. How dare you think you have a right to tell us to be quiet, no one has the right to stop anyone from expressing their views, this isn't fascism or communism you tool. Next time think a little bit more before you decide to be a complete and utter asshole tough guy. You are supposed to be a hero, you are supposed to set an example, what kind of example is that you are setting? Think before you speak and you won't sound like an idiot, well then again, who knows you still might.

  4. Pretty sure that wasn't actually Geist. I've noticed that when he posts on blogs and such, he will actually bother to create a profile. And he's usually not that insane. Might be Eric Toth aka Tothian doing some more fucking around on the interwebs. Sentence structure is similar to some of his other rants.

  5. Agree with second Anonymi. One has never met Geist, but on the principle of "Everyone is ok, until they do you wrong", one would conclude that this was probably a blog troll trying to usurp anothers name. Geist has many known means to post his opinions, and may post here and link there if these are indeed his opinions. Malvado's not wrong in expressing the opinion of Villainy though. If there are superheroes who think We're too tough on them - Victory for Villainy!

    -Lord Malignance

  6. As example - that last post actually was mine.
    Or was it?
    (It was)
    -Lord Malignance

  7. Yeah, I also remember Geist commenting on the ROACH mainpage awhile back and he seemed somewhat amused with what we were doing. Kudos on whomever posted that though, you sounded deranged enough to be a RLSH.
